Hi, I'm Bart Stassen

Web Designer & Developer.

Yes, I do both !


Some companies I've
worked with.


Adobe, VR Level Designer

2018 - 2019

We created an immersive interactive VR walk-through experience for Adobe conferences in San Diego and New York.


Lisk, Website Lead Designer and Developer

2018 - 2022

At Lisk I was the Lead Webdesigner and Webdeveloper. Working with Drupal and custom PHP / Javascript code.


VMMa, Webdesigner and Webdeveloper

2001 - 2007

Lead webdeveloper and webdesigner for their main TV channel VTM.


What do I bring to the table?

As a skilled web designer and developer, I seamlessly blend aesthetics and functionality, crafting visually captivating websites that deliver exceptional user experiences.

My adeptness in coding languages and design principles enables me to bring ideas to life in the digital realm, consistently creating sites that stand out for their innovation and user-centered design.

Webflow Design

My mastery of Webflow intricately weaves design and interactivity, resulting in captivating websites that seamlessly marry creativity and user-centered functionality.

Web Development

Proficiency in web development. Ability to code innovative and efficient solutions, translating complex ideas into seamlessly functioning digital experiences.

Web Design

The unique combination of my skills (being able to do both design and development) allows me to have a perfect synergy between the two disciplines and understand development implications during the design phase and vice versa.

Project Management

My project management skills ensure that Webflow development flourishes under my guidance, maintaining timelines, fostering collaboration, and delivering top-notch results with precision and efficiency.